When we become divided into rich and poor, high caste and low cast, casting aside our common bond of humanity, we fell and remained in that condition for centuries together. Now that tragedy should not be repeated. This can be assured only BY STRESSING, IN THE MIDST OF ALL OUR RICH DIVERSITIES, THE ONE COMMON THREAD OF POLITICAL UNITY IN OUR COMMON CITIZENSHIP, BACKED BY THE SHINING TRUTH OF THE SPIRITUAL UNITY AND EQUALITY OF ALL IN THE ONE INFINITE ATMAN IN ALL. That alone will confer on us as character-strength, 'deep as the ocean and broad as the skies', as Swami Vivekananda described it. With that awareness and with that character-strength, we can convert the freedom that we have won into a dynamic democratic social environment, in which even the humblest citizen will experience the dignity and worth of man, with everyone else helping him or her to enhance the same. This is possible only when we eliminate one serious evil from our society, namely JEALOUSY, which is, in the words of Vivekananda, the bane of all slavish races; for slavery and jealousy are the observe and the reverse of the same coin. And salve mentality will walk out when free citizen-awareness walks in.
'I and mine is ignorance,YOU and YOURS is knowledge', 'I and mine is MAYA , thou and thine is DAYA (compassion).
'I' is the darkness of un-enlightenment, agjnana
'attain prosperity and welfare by following
the way of mutuality and inter-dependance'
The last hymn of the Rig-Veda ,conveys this message of the union of hearts and minds:
सं गच्छध्वं सं वदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम - देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे संजानाना उपासते
'In harmony shall we move about, in harmony shall we speak, in harmony shall our minds apprehend; it was thus that the shining ones of ancient times with united hearts achieved their ends.'
समानो मन्त्रः समितिः समानी समानं मनः सह चित्तमेषाम - समानं मन्त्रमभि मन्त्रये वः समानेन वो हविषा जुहोमि
'United be your deliberations, united be your assembly, united be your minds in harmonious understanding; united be your resolutions through friendly deliberations; your offerings may you make in perfect harmony.
समानी व आकूतिः समाना हृदयानी वः - समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा वः सुसहासति
'United be your will, united be your hearts, united be your thoughts, so you all united perfectly be
Swami Ranganathananda
It gets so much easier to be kind to people once you are able to see beyond their external personalities and know them for who they really are - the divine source energy that is at this time focused in this physical realm. Yes, God lives in the heart of each one of us -sudhir
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