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Oct 10, 2024

Super consciousness and the Human Mind

Conscious and Unconscious Actions

  • Conscious Actions: We are fully aware of these actions, like moving our hand. You know you are doing it, and you can control it.

  • Unconscious Actions: These include automatic functions like your heart beating. You don’t think about it; it just happens. This is known as instinct.


Superconsciousness: This is a higher state of awareness that goes beyond regular consciousness. It’s where inspiration and profound insights come from. Think of it as accessing a higher level of understanding that is usually beyond our everyday awareness.

Examples of Superconsciousness

Socrates: He, the renowned philosopher, stood motionless for two entire days, his eyes fixed on the horizon as the sun slowly rose, casting its golden light over the land. His surroundings faded into the background as he became lost in deep contemplation, oblivious to the passage of time. The world around him seemed to vanish, leaving only the burning orb in the sky and the musings of his profound thoughts. During these moments of deep introspection, Socrates gained profound knowledge and insights that would shape his philosophical teachings for years to come.

The Human Mind

  • Instinct vs. Reason: Instinct is automatic and comes from unconscious actions. The reason involves conscious thinking and decision-making.

  • Beyond Both: Superconsciousness transcends both instinct and reason, bringing us to a higher plane of understanding.

Practical Application

  • Achieving Higher Awareness: You can try to access this higher state of awareness by cultivating mindfulness, meditation, or deep.reflectionThis can lead to moments of great inspiration and clarity.

  • Examples in History: Many great thinkers and prophets throughout history have experienced superconsciousness, leading to significant contributions to humanity.

In essence, it’s about realizing your potential to access deeper insights and knowledge, like the many great minds before us.

- By Vivekananda

Oct 2, 2024

PHYSICS & spirituality

Life on Earth, a significant part of the universal plan for aeons, has been shaped by serendipitous occurrences. The inception of life, a dance orchestrated by the universe, coincided with lightning meeting the primordial soup. As life evolved to adopt reproduction through union and creation, it mirrored the interconnectedness of all beings in the cosmos. Our existence, a testament to the universal principles of harmony and balance, exemplifies the beautiful order of the universe. Humans, in their quest for wisdom, seek to align with the universal flow, recognizing our significant role and interconnectedness with the cosmos. The concept of duality, encompassing both light and shadow, is intrinsic to the universal balance. Each individual is a divine and integral part of the cosmic tapestry.

"Schopenhauer: We can do what we wish, but we can only wish what we must."

Schrödinger suggested that there's just one universal mind, and our brains act like prisms that channel its thoughts, much like a prism channels sunlight. Our brains don't create the thoughts; they just direct them.

If this idea is accurate, it might help us understand that our individual consciousness is connected to a larger, universal consciousness. This could make us feel more connected to each other and the universe. It suggests that we're all part of one big, interconnected mind, which could change how we see ourselves and our interactions with others. Pretty deep, right???


Newtonian physics suggests that everything in the universe is predictable and determined by its current state, which implies no free will. However, for free will to exist, certain conditions involving randomness need to be met, and this actually occurs in our universe. This concept uses Zurek’s quantum existentialism to explain the connection between quantum physics and Newtonian physics. Believing that everything is predetermined can make people feel hopeless and affect their emotional well-being. On the other hand, believing in free will is not just a philosophical stance, but it also aligns with what we observe in reality, providing a sense of reassurance. Essentially, even though things seem predetermined by physics, the existence of randomness means we can still believe in and have free will.
1) Unity:                

In physics, Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. This law not only highlights the profound connection of forces in motion but also mirrors the spiritual principle that everything in the universe is deeply interconnected, offering a new perspective that may intrigue and enlighten you.

2) Love and Compassion:  

Conservation of Energy states that energy in a closed system is constant, much like how love and compassion can continually be present and transform without diminishing. This enduring nature of love and compassion not only corresponds to the spiritual principle that these are fundamental forces that bind us but also offers a sense of reassurance and comfort.

3) Karma: Conservation of Momentum dictates that the momentum before and after a collision remains constant, echoing the idea that every action has an equal reaction, paralleling the spiritual principle that actions have consequences.

4) Mindfulness and Presence:

Thermodynamics studies how energy changes in a system's current state—whether it's absorbing heat or doing work.

Mindfulness is about being aware of and attentive to what's happening right now, in your thoughts, feelings, and environment.

 Both thermodynamics and mindfulness highlight the importance of focusing on the present. Thermodynamics emphasizes understanding a system's current state to predict changes, while mindfulness emphasizes being present to experience life fully and enhance wellbeing. This shared emphasis on the here and now underscores their similarity. 

5)Non-Attachment means not getting too attached to things, letting them come and go naturally.

Electromagnetism is all about the balance between attraction (things coming together) and repulsion (things pushing apart).

Just like in NoN-attachment, where you let things be without clinging to them, electromagnetism has a natural balance of pulling and pushing that keeps things in harmony. Both concepts highlight the importance of maintaining balance and not holding on too tightly.

6) Service to Others: Quantum Mechanics deals with probabilities and uncertainties, where particles impact each other. This is similar to how acts of service create ripple effects, aligning with the spiritual principle that helping others enriches both giver and receiver.

7) Inner Peace: means finding calmness within, no matter what’s happening outside.

Relativity shows that time and space can change based on perspective, just as finding inner peace can change how you see and experience the world.

Both concepts teach that altering your inner perspective can transform your entire experience of reality.

8) Wave-Particle Duality: In physics, particles like electrons can act both as particles and as waves. This shows they can exist in two states at once.

Higher Consciousness: Spiritually, it’s about reaching a heightened state of awareness and understanding, seeing beyond the ordinary.

Connecting the two:

Just as wave-particle duality reveals that particles have dual states of existence, higher consciousness suggests that we, too, have deeper, dual layers of awareness and being. It’s about recognizing there’s more to us and the universe than meets the eye.

Both concepts highlight the potential for dual states of existence and deeper understanding

9)Faith and Trust:  

The Standard Model in particle physics describes the fundamental particles (like quarks and electrons) and the forces (like gravity and electromagnetism) that govern the universe. It’s a comprehensive theory that explains how everything interacts at the most basic level.

Faith and Trust in a spiritual sense is about believing in an underlying order or purpose in life, even if it’s not immediately visible. It’s the belief that there’s a greater plan or reason behind events.

Connecting the two:

Just as the Standard Model provides a framework to understand the universe’s fundamental workings, faith and trust provide a framework to navigate life, believing there is an underlying order and purpose. Both concepts help us make sense of complex, often unseen structures, whether it’s in the physical universe or in our spiritual journey.

Think of it as having a map for the unseen forces of nature and a compass for the unseen paths of life.


Conservation of Charge: In physics, this principle states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant. Charges aren’t created or destroyed; they just move around, keeping the overall balance.

Forgiveness: In a spiritual sense, forgiveness is about letting go of anger, resentment, or grievances. When you forgive, you restore emotional balance and achieve inner peace.

Connecting the two:

Just like the conservation of charge maintains balance in an electrical system, forgiveness maintains emotional balance in your life. When you let go of negative feelings, you aren’t destroying or ignoring them; you’re transforming them, ensuring overall harmony and peace.

Both concepts emphasize restoring and maintaining balance, whether it's in an electrical system or in your emotional and spiritual life.

These parallels serve to underscore the interconnectedness of spirituality and physics. Despite their apparent differences, both disciplines share a common goal-to explain and harmonize the fundamental aspects of existence.

Albert Einstein SAID:

"I’m creative enough to freely use my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited, but imagination knows no bounds."