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Mata Amritanandamayi |
Amma: You have to do your dharma as a householder. But keep the goal of moksha (liberation) in the back of your mind all the time as you go about your daily routine. Be like the bird that sits on a weak, dry branch of a tree. The branch (samsara) can come breaking down any moment, however the bird is well equipped to fly unhurt whenever that happens.
Sudhir: When experiencing a spiritual high, I feel like having to do nothing with the world.
Amma: Experiences come and go. It is good that they come, however your quest is not complete until the atma is known.
Sudhir: What is stopping me from moving on to the next level in the spiritual sense?
Amma: When you row a boat, you need to make sure that it is untied from its anchor. As long as the boat is tied, all your effort to row will not bring much fruit.
Sudhir: What would “untying the boat” mean here?
The answer to this was somehow not clear, as it got lost in translation. Remember that this Q&A session was going on in the midst of 1000s of people, as amma was going about hugging all the devotees. Personally, I take “untying the boat” to mean removing the attachments we have in this world”, to develop dispassion, and to increase spiritual discernment.
Sudhir: Is the ultimate reality one or two?
Amma: There is only one Atma. Ultimate reality is thus one.
Sudhir: What about the other schools of philosophy? Within the Vedantic systems itself we have 5 other schools such as Dwaita, VishishtAdvaita etc. who conclude that ultimate reality is dual.
Amma: The same water looks very different when it is becomes ice. Likewise, the Nirguna Brahman appears as saguna brahman for its devotees. Additionally, scholars can create all kinds of realities based on different intellectual schemes. You really have to taste the honey, the word honey isn't honey.
Sudhir: The karma kanda section of the Vedas talk about the existence of 14 “lokas”. Is that true?
Amma: We cannot say that the worlds exist, and we cannot say that it does not exist. If you want to conceptualize the other lokas, just consider them as life existing in different planets.
Acharya: The jnana kanda is not much concerned with all that. Vedanta is all about realization of self.
Sudhir: Of the three paths, which most important: Jnana, Bhakti or Karma?
Amma: Ultimately, Jnana is important, as until Jnana dawns, you are not realized. However, let your study not be a dry, intellectual exercise. One should not mistake the word honey to the real honey. The word honey can never be as sweet as the real honey. As you walk on the path, one must realize that he is one with everyone. If that does not happen, you are not making progress.
Sudhir: Yes, I seem to be generally motivated by Jnana marga. (the path of knowledge)
Amma: Do you do Bhakti?
Yes, I’m beginning to appreciate bhakti as well. I enjoy bhajans (devotional songs) much more than before. However, I do not worship any deity as such. My devotion is mostly for great spiritual teachers such as Shankaracharya, that walked this earth, from whose works I learn from.
Amma: Shakara was a great soul. Even though a param Jnani, he composed beautiful devotional hymns such as “soundarya lahari”.
Sudhir: Yes, Shankara is one of my heroes!
Sudhir: How do you deal with other people’s negativity?
Amma: There is no need to worry much about the negativity of others. If the negativity of others does not suit you, then do not get involved with it.
Sudhir: The work of Dr. david hawkins talks about “levels of consciousness”, that consciousness expands continuously. Does this mean that the evolution of consciousness continues even after the attainment of Turiya - the fourth state that is pure, unconditioned consciousness?
Amma: There is nothing to be attained after Turiya. The same consciousness exists with different amount of impurities, and hence takes on different qualities due to the impurity. It is like water with different amount of filth in it. When the water is taken to boiling temperature, it becomes steam. Irrespective of the amount of filth in the original water, the steam is completely pure and devoid of any impurity. This can be likened to the Turiya state.
At this time, one of the assistant suggested that I move on so other people could take my spot.
Sudhir: Thank you amma! Very much grateful for your guidance. Can I get another hug !?
Another divine hug followed. I joined my hands, said “Namaste” and took leave of amma.
Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan From the perspective of a student, even if you know one answer to a question, one has to always be open to learn a new perspective. The mind has to be always kept open to learn a concept in more depth. Thus, when I approach a teacher, I attempt to leave all existing knowledge behind and bring an empty mind.
We must take responsibility for what happens in our life. Most of the time, we are not aware of how we unconsciously attract negativity in our lives. It is our negativity, both conscious and unconscious that attracts back more negativity. Even silent resentment that we suffer regarding other people's behavior can trigger negative reactions from the other. We must shield ourselves with the cushion of self-esteem, self-love and self-respect. Through the power of love, towards self and others, we must become immune to the actions of the other. We must not judge, and even if we do, we must forgive and not hold any grudge. When we truly shift our energy to a higher level, the energy of those around us will also magically shift. Even if others do not immediately become more positive, when we are truly detached, the behavior of others cannot affect us in the same way. Thus, accept others the way they are. Acceptance is a pre-requisite for transformation, in self as well as others.
♥ ♥....
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