God is the source of all power. He is like the fuel without with no car will run. If a person driving a car gets into an accident, sure enough it is true that the car was driven by the fuel. If just before the time of the accident, the fuel tank were to become empty, indeed, there would have been no accident. However the fuel cannot be held responsible for that accident - it is the driver's fault! In the same way, we are responsible for the suffering we experience in our life - everything we experience is self-created. All our suffering is experienced when we move away from what God stands for. By turning towards Him, we can definitely add more joy in our lives - regardless of the amount of suffering we are currently experiencing.
- sudhir

We suffer because there is something we are ignorant about. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.Suffering is getting stuck in pain, just as addiction is getting stuck in pleasure.
All of us are responsible for each other. Thanks to our ego, we do not realize how interconnected we really are. As a person's ego reduces, his concept of self begins to include others. A person with no ego seems himself in everyone. That is why all the prophets and realized saints toiled selflessly for all of mankind - they see no difference in themselves and others. They are forever experiencing the bliss of unity consciousness.
"More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him."
Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna.
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