' Profit Motive ' is a Natural human instinct
- Adam Smith
Epicureanism says -
1) Moral rightness or wrongness of an action is a function of the amount of
pleasure or pain that it has produced.
2) Man is a slave of 2 sovereign masters -Pain & Pleasure
AND Hedonistic Calculus is a tool to measure happiness -
The major factors of sensations of pleasure from an action as outlined by Bentham
are summarized by the variables below -
- 1) Intensity - how strong is the feeling of pleasure ?
- 2) Duration - how long does it lasts ?
- 3) Certainty - How certain we feel to have it ?
- 4) Propinquity - How much near it is ? ( to our reality/truth )
- or how early we can have it ?
- 5) Fecundity - Does it also gives birth to other types of pleasures ?
- 6) Purity - Is the pleasure that results from ur action unadulterated ?
- Is No other pain is mixed with it??
- 7) Extent - How many people may get affected by it ?
Bentham, who takes happiness as the measure for utility, says,
"it is the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers that is the measure of right and wrong"