One must Be a SEA, to receive a polluted stream Without BECOMING IMPURE...TC
If you put an amount of dirt in a small container of water, then that water has to be thrown away, people cannot drink it. But if you throw that amount of dirt into a huge river, people in the city continue to drink from the river, because the river is so immense. There does not have to suffer because of that amount of dirt. Overnight that dirt will be transformed by the water, by the mud within the heart of the river. So if your heart is big as the river, you can receive any amount of injustice and still live with happiness, and you can transform overnight the injustices inflicted on you. If you still suffer, it means that your heart is still not large enough. That is the teaching of forbearance in Buddhism. You don’t try to bear, you don’t to suppress your suffering. You only practice in order for your heart to expand as big as a river. Then you don’t have to bear, you don’t have to suffer. -- Thich Nhat Hanh
of all My Weaknesses, you are the ONLY one i glorify - by Schadenfreuders
Schadenfreude: It comes from the joining of two words, “Schaden ” meaning “harm” and “ Freude ” meaning “joy,” and it indeed refers to the pleasure derived from another person’s misfortune.They often feel schadenfreude because they can gain from another person’s misfortune.
What does Homer gain from the failure of Ned Flanders’s business? Actually, quite a lot.Homer Envies Ned. Although Ned is a good neighbor, he still has it better than Homer in just about every way, from his well-equipped recreation room with foreign beers on tap to his superior family bliss. The envy Homer feels runs deep and takes its typical inferiority-tinged and hostile form. When Ned fails, Homer feels less inferior. Ned’s failure also satisfies Homer’s hostile feelings. These are heady psychological dividends and should make Homer feel pretty good as a result.
What better tranquilizer for Homer’s inadequacy and ill will than Ned’s failure? Perhaps you might have heard this joke:If you put an amount of dirt in a small container of water, then that water has to be thrown away, people cannot drink it. But if you throw that amount of dirt into a huge river, people in the city continue to drink from the river, because the river is so immense. There does not have to suffer because of that amount of dirt. Overnight that dirt will be transformed by the water, by the mud within the heart of the river. So if your heart is big as the river, you can receive any amount of injustice and still live with happiness, and you can transform overnight the injustices inflicted on you. If you still suffer, it means that your heart is still not large enough. That is the teaching of forbearance in Buddhism. You don’t try to bear, you don’t to suppress your suffering. You only practice in order for your heart to expand as big as a river. Then you don’t have to bear, you don’t have to suffer. -- Thich Nhat Hanh
of all My Weaknesses, you are the ONLY one i glorify - by Schadenfreuders
Schadenfreude: It comes from the joining of two words, “Schaden ” meaning “harm” and “ Freude ” meaning “joy,” and it indeed refers to the pleasure derived from another person’s misfortune.They often feel schadenfreude because they can gain from another person’s misfortune.
What does Homer gain from the failure of Ned Flanders’s business? Actually, quite a lot.Homer Envies Ned. Although Ned is a good neighbor, he still has it better than Homer in just about every way, from his well-equipped recreation room with foreign beers on tap to his superior family bliss. The envy Homer feels runs deep and takes its typical inferiority-tinged and hostile form. When Ned fails, Homer feels less inferior. Ned’s failure also satisfies Homer’s hostile feelings. These are heady psychological dividends and should make Homer feel pretty good as a result.
Two campers come across a grizzly bear while hiking in the forest. One immediately drops to the ground, takes off his hiking boots, and starts putting on his running shoes.
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You all F . O (Lol futures & options-OPTIDX) |
The other says, “What are you doing? You can’t outrun a bear!” His friend replies: “I don’t have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you !”
People gain from another person’s misfortune when this “downward comparison” boosts their rank and self-worth. They shall see that this is no small benefit.
Envy can produce deep satisfaction in another’s misfortune, especially in competitive situations, and there may be few pure cases of gain uncontaminated by such features
As shameful as schadenfreude can be, the more a misfortune seems deserved, the more likely schadenfreude is out in the open, free of shame.
When people feel envy, strong envy especially, they not only hope for misfortunes to befall those whom they envy; they may sometimes find ways to bring the misfortune about. as it may offer temporary superiority to the attacker

Courtesy :
envy Vs jealousy :
Jealousy occurs when something we already possess (usually a special relationship) is threatened by a third person
And so envy is a two-person situation whereas jealousy is a three-person situation. Envy is a reaction to lacking something. Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something (usually someone)
Courtesy :
How to handle emotional HURT after sensing things like Drama, Politics and manipulations?
Do not fight them. Instead think of them the way you think of children, or pets, not important enough to affect your mental balance. As by acknowledging a petty problem, you give it existence and credibility - unknown
when someone harms you as it brings them some gain makes minimum sense at the Least !
If you don't find any gain they get by hurting you or Harming you except a TEMPORARY emotional High ,My dear It means you shouldn't have any anger for them BUT kindly have the feeling of Pity
(Pity is feeling bad for someone else because they are in an unfortunate situation, or at least, in a situation that is worse than your own or they see you much higher & themselves much Lower inside their hearts even if it is not true).
Enduku Emiti ela ? ufff.....
juz Two general Logics of harming you:
1) They get some gain lets say for eg: selling you a fake or useless product by verbal & other persuasion skills - Gain ??? - they make money
2) They themselves must be having greatly unfortunate lives causing them to develop such attitudes eg: psychos ( No clear reason why psycho serial killers kill - Some had pathetic pasts that made them Cruel ).....also Not all Sufferers become like that. Maybe they are again of 2 types - hero's, who like Mahatma suffered so much because of people yet said :
“ They will hate you if you are beautiful. They will hate you if you are successful. They will hate you if you are right. They will hate you if you are popular. They will hate you when you get attention. They will hate you when people in their life like you. They will hate you if you worship a different version of their God. They will hate you if you are spiritual. They will hate you if youHow to handle emotional HURT after sensing things like Drama, Politics and manipulations?
Do not fight them. Instead think of them the way you think of children, or pets, not important enough to affect your mental balance. As by acknowledging a petty problem, you give it existence and credibility - unknown
when someone harms you as it brings them some gain makes minimum sense at the Least !
If you don't find any gain they get by hurting you or Harming you except a TEMPORARY emotional High ,My dear It means you shouldn't have any anger for them BUT kindly have the feeling of Pity
(Pity is feeling bad for someone else because they are in an unfortunate situation, or at least, in a situation that is worse than your own or they see you much higher & themselves much Lower inside their hearts even if it is not true).
Enduku Emiti ela ? ufff.....
juz Two general Logics of harming you:
1) They get some gain lets say for eg: selling you a fake or useless product by verbal & other persuasion skills - Gain ??? - they make money
2) They themselves must be having greatly unfortunate lives causing them to develop such attitudes eg: psychos ( No clear reason why psycho serial killers kill - Some had pathetic pasts that made them Cruel ).....also Not all Sufferers become like that. Maybe they are again of 2 types - hero's, who like Mahatma suffered so much because of people yet said :
" You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty "
and 2nd type - Villains may be Hitler? May be !!!
The Strong Man is Mightiest Alone. He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has no right to exist
" This is my Vow. I Shall know neither Rest nor Peace until the November CRIMINALS get OVERTHROWN " - Adolf Hitler
have courage. They will hate you if you have an opinion. They will hate you when people support you. They will hate you when they see you happy. Heck, they will hate you while they post prayers and religious quotes on Pinterest and Facebook. They just hate.
However, remember this: They hate you because you represent something they feel they don’t have. It really isn’t about you. It is about the hatred they have for themselves. So smile today because there is something you are doing right that has a lot of people thinking about you. ”
- Shannon L. Alder
- Shannon L. Alder
Superb story by Chetan Bhagat 👇
One night, just before the shopkeeper was about to close the shop, a dog came into the shop.
There was a bag in its mouth. The bag had a list of items to be bought and money. The shopkeeper took the money and kept the items in the bag.
Immediately, The dog picked up the bag of items and left. The shopkeeper was surprised and went behind the dog to see who the owner was.
The dog waited at the bus stop. After some time, a bus came and the dog got into the bus. As soon as the conductor came, it moved forward to show his neck belt which had money and the address as well. The conductor took the money and put the ticket in his neck belt again.
When it reached the destination, the dog went to the front and wagged his tail indicating that he wanted to get down. The moment the bus stopped, it got down. The shopkeeper was still following it.
The dog knocked on the door of a house with its legs. Its owner came from inside and beat it with a stick.
The shocked shopkeeper asked him "why are you beating the dog?", to which the owner replied, "he disturbed my sleep. It could have taken the keys with it."
This is the truth of life. There is no end to the expectations people have from you. The moment you go wrong, they start pointing at our mistakes. All the good done in the past is forgotten. Any small mistake committed then gets magnified. This is the nature of this material world.!!!
Love may be blind but jealousy has 2020 VISION
Some enjoy to see others fail because other’s failures can make them feel that their own failures are successful.
" "
A person should be forgiven if he or she has sincerely asked forgiveness, if it is the first offense, if the offense was not intentional, and if the offender has been helpful in the past. *****The tool of punishment may be used without any feeling of revenge to correct and teach intentional and repeated offenders****
- Bhagavadgeeta chapter 10,International Gita Society (IGS)
Some enjoy to see others fail because other’s failures can make them feel that their own failures are successful.
" "
A person should be forgiven if he or she has sincerely asked forgiveness, if it is the first offense, if the offense was not intentional, and if the offender has been helpful in the past. *****The tool of punishment may be used without any feeling of revenge to correct and teach intentional and repeated offenders****
- Bhagavadgeeta chapter 10,International Gita Society (IGS)
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