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Mar 22, 2024

Break up with pain, by wearing the thought control helmet

"I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."  

— Byron Katie

Emotional healing is a complex process that involves various techniques and practices to help individuals acknowledge, accept, integrate, and process their emotions. It involves several steps : 

The first step towards emotional healing is acknowledging painful life experiences. Acknowledgement is the process of bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness. This aligns with the principles of free association, verbal expression, etc. Trauma, strong emotions, and painful life experiences are often suppressed or denied, which can lead to psychological distress. By acknowledging and exploring these experiences, individuals can begin to release and discharge repressed or unconscious emotions. One way is by the process of catharsis, which involves talking about traumatic experiences or expressing intense feelings. 

According to Freud, catharsis involves expressing and discharging repressed or unconscious emotions, which decreases psychological tension. Therefore, writing your pain on paper can ALSO help you externalize and gain a better understanding of it. You can find potential solutions or a way out by looking at your pain objectively. So, To reach rational and realistic perspectives, examine your thoughts.

The next step towards emotional healing is allowing and accepting emotions. It is essential to acknowledge and accept all emotions, including those that are perceived as negative or uncomfortable. By creating a safe and non-judgmental environment, individuals can begin to express and work through their emotions, allowing for a deeper understanding and acceptance of their inner world.

Integrating painful experiences is also crucial for emotional healing. Integration involves merging conflicting or fragmented aspects of the self to achieve a more cohesive and unified sense of identity. This process can be achieved through self-reflection, interpretation of the unconscious, and exploring the impact of past experiences on current behaviour. 

Finally, processing strong emotions is an essential component of emotional healing. With the help of a psychologist, individuals can work through intense emotions associated with past traumas, conflicts, and unresolved issues. This process involves understanding the underlying meaning and significance of these emotions. By exploring the origins of strong emotions, uncovering unconscious motivations, and gaining insight into emotional patterns, individuals can begin to resolve inner conflicts and achieve emotional healing. 

Remember that the wound is not your fault, but the responsibility of healing it lies with you. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Our thoughts do not hold power; instead, we control our thoughts. When we identify and believe in our thoughts, we give them power, which can result in suffering. The actual issue is our attachment to our thoughts, and recognizing this can bring about transformation in an instant. When experiencing EMOTIONAL PAIN, simply observe and learn, as life is trying to teach you something. Rather than attempting to numb the pain through distraction, forget yourself in thinking and allow yourself to feel


Everything that can go wrong MAY go wrong; we all will die one day,  families can die, anything can happen, You may suffer badly, people may harm you, we can Face Failures; you could be innocent yet can get trapped or blamed, and that's what life is all about. It won't be fair. To be Angry about it is Not Loving life. Amor fati is a Latin phrase that means "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". This phrase is used to describe an attitude in which one accepts everything that happens in their life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, NECESSARY.

Overall, emotional healing involves deep self-exploration, insight, and integration of all aspects of the self. By acknowledging, allowing, accepting, integrating, and processing painful life experiences and strong emotions, individuals can work towards a more profound understanding of themselves and move towards emotional well-being and growth. With the right support of others or self-help, healing is possible to achieve a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.

 P.S : Diversions given below are only a temporary escape 

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