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May 26, 2024

unearthly love for earthly objects

The concept of developing an intense passion for worldly things ventures into the intriguing domain of forming a profound attachment or fixation with material possessions and external symbols of success. These attachments, which often surpass their intrinsic human value, can have significant psychological implications for themselves & also others.

This unearthly love can be seen as a profound emotional bond with material goods or an unyielding pursuit of wealth, power, or social status as a way to find fulfilment and establish identity. 

Moreover, the pursuit of status can be intertwined with self-love and narcissistic tendencies. In this context, an individual may prioritize their own needs, desires, and self-image above all else. This excessive self-focus can lead to a distorted sense of self-importance, an insatiable craving for admiration, and an unquenchable thirst for external validation, often sought through the acquisition of status symbols.

 The pursuit of status, whether through material possessions, social recognition, or professional accomplishments, may be driven by deep-seated psychological needs for affirmation, power, and security. The desire for status could stem from unresolved issues related to self-worth, identity formation, or many others that shape an individual's perception of value and acceptance within society. 

Furthermore, the unconscious mind can exert a significant influence on an individual's attachment to material objects and status symbols. This attachment can serve as a means of compensating for inner insecurities, fears, or unmet emotional needs that are projected onto external sources of gratification, often without the individual's awareness.

Individuals may resort to defence mechanisms like denial, rationalization, or projection to justify their strong attachment to material possessions or status symbols. These defence mechanisms serve to protect the individual's self-esteem from underlying insecurities, unacknowledged aspects of the self, or unresolved emotional conflicts that influence their behaviour. However, these coping strategies can potentially lead to adverse outcomes, a fact that should be of concern.

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