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Jun 13, 2024

I eat junk food to distract myself from the bigger questions & extreme STRESS

Broaden & Build Theory of Emotion :

Frederickson's Broaden & Build Theory of Emotion suggests that experiencing positive emotions opens our minds to new ideas and opportunities, enhancing cognitive flexibility, creativity, and resilience. In this context, positive Emotions are not just FLEETING moments of joy but the building blocks of our enduring personal resources. 

But that's not all!

 Seligman proposes three types of happiness: 

1) Pleasant Life: 

Imagine spending a significant amount of your time pursuing activities that bring you joy, such as 

- savouring your favourite meal, 

- watching an engaging movie, 

- going shopping, 

- taking a run, or 

- playing video games

—all in the pursuit of a fleeting moment of happiness. 

Although indulging in these feel-good activities is enjoyable, the resulting moments of pleasure can sometimes be transient and leave us feeling EMPTY.

2) The Engaged Life :

 It is not just about seeking pleasure. It's about personal growth and living with good character. 

This type of happiness is more likely to bring about a state of 'flow,' where you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. Engaging in activities that tap into your strengths and virtues can help you experience this state of flow.

 For example :

 if you have a Love of Learning as one of your strengths, spending time learning about a topic or mastering a new skill can lead to an engaged life. The Engaged Life is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, leading to a state of 'flow' and greater well-being.

3) Meaningful Life :

Leading a Meaningful Life is about embracing and using your strengths and talents to positively impact something greater than yourself. It's not about seeking pleasure, as Hugh Hefner thought, but about finding purpose and engagement.

 Our well-being is more affected by positive factors than negative ones, and our happiness is deeply tied to 

- Engagement & 

- Meaning rather than fleeting pleasures. 

Even when it comes to wealth, it's not a straightforward equation. Many believe that the more money you have, the happier you'll be. Still, a study of the 150 richest people in North America revealed that their levels of happiness and depression were similar to those of others. Once our basic needs are met, having more money doesn't necessarily lead to greater happiness. So, think again before sacrificing time with loved ones to earn more money. 

Research shows that spending quality time with family and friends can bring more satisfaction and happiness than pursuing financial gains. Ultimately, leading a Meaningful Life requires harnessing our strengths and talents for something larger than ourselves, and it's the pursuit of engagement and meaning, not just pleasure, that truly enriches our lives.

 Quite thought-provoking, isn't it?

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