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Jun 19, 2024

I tried selling a pen to my dad, but he shut me down faster than fearful squirrel ! Can you convince a cat to take a bath ?

Imagine this:

 You're in a grand ballroom filled with elegance and warmth, where people dance and laugh under the soft glow of chandeliers. Suddenly, a heated argument breaks out, causing a stir in the centre of the room. It's like finding your way to the balcony in moments like these. As you step outside, a gentle breeze welcomes you, and as you look down, you can see the entire scene below. The dancers, the argument, and the ambience are all visible from this new perspective, offering a serene contrast to the chaos inside.

Similarly, imagine mentally transporting yourself to a balcony overlooking the scene in high-stakes business meetings or intense debates. You observe the situation's emotions, interactions, and dynamics from this imaginary vantage point. This mental step back, a choice that is entirely yours, lets you gain a broader, more objective view of what's happening, empowering you with a new level of understanding to deal with the ISSUE. 

As you assess the situation, consider whether anyone close to you also is directly involved in the unrest, fuss, or fight. Once you've figured that out, you can decide whether to step back for observation or resolve the situation to the best of your ability if you feel it's your duty.

In the book "Getting Past No" by William Ury, the author provides a comprehensive five-step strategy for navigating through challenging negotiations with stubborn counterparts healthily and holistically.

Step 1 of the strategy is all about mastering one's emotions and reactions. The 'Going to the balcony' technique is not just a method to maintain composure but a powerful tool to gain a broader perspective. By applying this technique, we can positively influence the other party and guide the negotiation in a more productive direction, leading to significantly improved business outcomes. This technique empowers us to stay in control of the negotiation process, with the potential to turn even the most challenging negotiations into successful ones.

Don't get mad

Don't get even

Get what you want!


 Picture a salesperson, Bhavani, passionately presenting a groundbreaking product to a potential client. However, the client, Archana, responds with doubt, distrust, and anger, raising objections about the product's cost and functionality. Instead of reacting with defensiveness or aggression, Bhavani chooses to 'go to the balcony'. With remarkable composure, she attentively listens to Archana's concerns, taking a step back to assess the situation objectively. After addressing Archana's issues, Bhavani goes a step further, asking, "Is there anything more I can do for you?" By demonstrating emotional control and grace, Bhavani not only manages to address Archana's concerns but also transforms the interaction into a respectful and understanding conversation. This sets the stage for a more constructive and collaborative negotiation process, inspiring us to adopt this technique in our own negotiations. The sheer force of Bhavani's positivity even manages to subdue Archana's initial hostile demeanour.

Step 2, a crucial stage in conflict resolution, focuses on disarming the opponent by demonstrating empathy and understanding of their perspective. This step is not just about stepping onto their side to lower communication barriers, but it's about showing a genuine willingness to see the situation from their viewpoint. This understanding is key to resolving conflicts effectively.


In a workplace, Sreeb Technologies Archana had to settle a dispute between Archana & Vamshi; tensions reached a boiling point as their conflicting approaches to a new project clashed. Archana favoured a systematic, step-by-step method, while Vamshi supported a more creative, fluid strategy. Frustration mounted, and communication broke down between both. Stepping up to defuse the escalating conflict, Archana chose to disarm Vamshi through a powerful display of empathy and understanding. During a crucial break, she approached Vamshi and uttered these emotional words:

" Vamshi Anna, I understand and appreciate your innovative, creative outlook on this project. I've been so focused on structure that I may need to look into the potential creativity your approach could bring. 

Could you share more about how your ideas could enhance our project? "

At that moment, Vamshi Anna's acknowledgement of Archana's perspective and genuine interest in understanding his viewpoint shattered the communication barriers. With this dramatic shift, a more productive and harmonious conversation took root. Archana felt heard and valued, and a renewed sense of unity emerged in their teamwork. This example underscores the power of empathy in conflict resolution, showing its potential to transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding.



Reframing the dispute in terms of underlying interests rather than rigid positions. Common ground can be established by focusing on shared goals and interests, fostering a collaborative approach to resolving conflicts.

Example -  

A COUPLE like Sarah and James had a disagreement about their different sleep schedules. To work through this, it's important for Sarah and James to have an open and understanding conversation. Sarah might want to explain how she finds reading late at night relaxing, while James can share how important a good night's sleep is for his productivity at work. They should try to find compromises that respect both of their needs, like using a non-disruptive reading light or finding a separate space for reading. Above all, they should keep in mind their shared goal of a harmonious and respectful relationship. This goal should motivate them to find solutions that work for both of them. Effective communication is key in any relationship, so it's important for both of them to listen with an open heart and speak with kindness and empathy, making each other feel respected and cared for.

Step- 4:

Behold the power of 'building them a golden bridge,' the strategy that will revolutionize your negotiations and pave the way for deeper connections. While it's not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not work in every situation, it's a powerful tool that can help you navigate conflicts and differences in perspectives.

Example : 

Picture a world where 2 sisters, Archana and Bhavana, two souls with differing approaches to life, find themselves at odds. Archana, the free spirit craving spontaneity, Adventure, and Creativity, clashes with Bhavana, the disciplined planner striving for stability. Their relationship hangs in the balance as tension builds, threatening to tear them apart. But fear not, for there is hope! The strategy of 'building them a golden bridge' could involve Archana understanding Bhavana's need for stability and routine and Bhavana appreciating Archana's desire for spontaneity. This approach is key to unlocking a future filled with love and mutual respect.

Imagine Archana embracing Bhavana's need for stability and routine, validating her perspective, and coaching her from rigidity to flexibility. Picture Bhavana is embracing unpredictability and finding joy in the spontaneous present moments. This is a journey of compromise and collaboration, a journey that can lead to a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Embrace this powerful strategy, wield the art of negotiation with empathy and understanding, and witness the transformation of your relationships. This, dear ones, is the gateway to deeper connection and understanding in your relationship.

In Step 5

Ury advises using power strategically when faced with resistance. This empowers you to make it difficult for the opponents to say 'no'. By leveraging power judiciously, you can compel the other party to reconsider their position and engage in constructive problem-solving, giving you a sense of control over the situation.


A strategic use of power can help move things forward in difficult family situations where one party faces resistance. For instance, in a divorce scenario where one person wants to sell the house but the other refuses, obtaining a court order to sell the house as part of the settlement could be a strategic use of power. This action, which carries legal weight, makes it harder for the resistant party to say 'no ', thereby facilitating a resolution.

However, it's crucial to communicate intentions clearly and respectfully, emphasizing the benefits of a fair resolution for both. It's equally important to approach the situation with empathy and a willingness to compromise, fostering a sense of understanding and openness. The goal is to facilitate constructive dialogue rather than escalate conflict. By wielding power thoughtfully and with a focus on finding common ground, it's possible to navigate the situation with grace and integrity, leading to a more positive outcome in the end.

In his concluding remarks, Ury stresses the importance of NOT seeking to defeat or dominate the other side in negotiations. Instead, the ultimate goal is to win them over as partners in a collaborative problem-solving process, fostering mutual understanding and constructive outcomes for all parties involved.

Some more:-

A.Compliance Principles:

1. Liking or friendship

2. Consistency or commitment  

3. Reciprocity

4. Scarcity

5. Social validation  

6. Authority

Offer Line Tips:

1. Highlight scarcity or waiting lists  

2. Identify the problem and offer a personalized solution  

3. Provide evidence and social proof technique of Compliance

B. Reciprocity-based techniques

1. Door-in-the-face technique

2. That's-not-all technique

C. Commitment-based techniques of Negotiation :

1. Master your emotions and reactions

2. Demonstrate empathy and understanding

3. Reframe disputes in terms of underlying interests

4. Consider the power of "building a golden bridge"

5. Avoid seeking to defeat or dominate the other side

6. Foot-in-the-door technique

7. Low-ball technique

P:S : 


I utilized the names of 5 techniques from the book's summary and incorporated my previous knowledge to create examples and this blog post. Your time and attention are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading!

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