You will Never have many problems in life with things you reject blatantly but you ought to be careful with truths You AGREE as those CHOICES will dictate your Life

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Jun 20, 2013

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥   You attract what you are  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

 Thus, whatever you want in your life, strive to become that first. 

Want more friends? 
Become more friendly first. 
Want more love?
Become loving towards self and others 
Want to be understood? 
Become understanding of others first. 
Want to be respected?
 Become respectable first.
 Want people to listen to you? 
Listen to others first.
 Want an attractive partner
Become attractive first.
 Want people to appreciate you? 
Appreciate others first.
 Want people to believe in you?
 Believe in yourself first.
                                                                                       - by sudhir krishna

The GIGO Principle - Garbage IN Garbage OUT ....GOOD IN - GOOD OUT

 " Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience, two sides of the same coin. If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one´s total aloneness. It is there.

To all who feel you are Alone,I'm too with u ya ! all Alone !
We are 
alone, we 
die alone
Between these two realities we create a thousand and one illusions of being together -

 all kinds of relationships, friends and enemies, loves and hates, nations, races, religions. We create all kinds of hallucinations just to avoid one fact: that we are alone. But whatsoever we do, the truth cannot be changed. 
It is so, and rather than trying to escape from it, the best way is to rejoice in it.
Rejoicing in your own aloneness is what meditation is all about. The meditator is one who dives deep into one´s aloneness, knowing that we are born alone, we will be dying alone, and deep down we are living alone.
 So why not experience what this aloneness is? Its our very nature, very being." - Osho

Dr. Wayne Dyer's tips to tame the ego (Thanks to sudhir ji)

Tip #1) Stop being offended

The behavior of others isn't a reason to be immobilized. That which offends you only weakens you. If you're looking for occasions to be offended, you'll find them at every turn. This is your
ego at work convincing you that the world shouldn't be the way it is. But you can become an appreciator of life and match up with the universal Spirit of Creation. You can't reach the power of intention by being offended. By all means, act to eradicate the horrors of the world, which emanate from massive ego identification, but stay in peace. As "A course in Miracles" reminds us: "Peace is of God, you who are part of God are not at home except in His peace". Being offended creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place and leads to attack, counterattack and war.
Tip #2: Let go of the need to win.

Ego loves to divide us up into winners and losers. The pursuit of winning is a surefire means to avoid conscious contact with intention. why? Because ultimately, winning is impossible all of the time. Someone out there will be faster, luckier, younger, stronger, and smarter - and back you’ll go to feeling worthless and insignificant.

You’re not your winnings or your victories
 You may enjoy competing, and have fun in a world where winning is everything, but you don’t have to be there in your thoughts. There are no losers in a world where we all share the same energy source. All you can say on a given day is that you performed at a certain level in comparison to the levels of others on that day. But today is another day, with other competitors and new circumstances to consider. You’re still the infinite presence in a body that’s another day (or decade) older. Let go of needing to win by not agreeing that the opposite of winning is losing. That’s ego’s fear. If your body isn’t performing in a winning fashion on this day, it simply doesn’t matter when you aren’t identifying exclusively with your ego. Be the observer, noticing and enjoying it without needing to win a trophy. Be at peace, and match up with the energy of intention.
And ironical, although you’ll hardly notice it, more of those victories will show up in your life as you pursue them less.

Tip #3: Let go of your reputation:
Your reputation is not located in you. It resides in the minds of others. Therefore, you have no control over it all all. If you speak to 30 people, you will have 30 reputations. Connecting to intention means listening to your heart and conduction yourself based on what your inner voice tells you is your purpose here. If you’re overly concerned with how you’re going going to be perceived by everyone, then you’ve disconnected yourself from intention and allowed the opinions of others to guide you. This is your ego at work. It’s an illusion that stands between you and the power of intention. There’s nothing you can’t do, unless you disconnect from the power source and become convinced that your purpose is to prove to others how masterful and superior you are and spend your energy attempting to win a giant reputation among other egos. 
Do what you do because your inner voice - always connected to and grateful to your source - so directs you. 
Stay on purpose,
detach from outcome, and 
take responsibility for what does reside in you:
i.e your character
 Leave your reputation for others to debate; it has nothing to do with you
Or as a book title says: 
What you think of me is none of my business!

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