Brahmacharya is something unearthly.He who is not swayed by carnal desire even in his sleep is worthy
of all adoration. The control of every other sense shall be 'added unto' him.
Ahimsa means Universal Love, If a man gives his love to one woman, or a woman to one man,
what is there left for all the world besides ? It simply means :" We two first, and the devil take all the rest of them.' As a faithful wife must be prepared to sacrifice her all for the sake of her husband, and a faithful husband for the sake of his wife, it is clear that such persons cannot rise to the height of Universal Love,or look upon all mankind as kith and kin.For they have created a boundary wall round their love. The larger their family, the farther are they from Universal Love. Hence one who would obey the law of Ahimsa cannot marry, not to speak of gratification outside the martial bond.

How foolish it is intentionally to dissipate vital energy in sensual enjoyment? It is a grave misuse to fritter away for physical gratification that which is given to man and woman for the full development of their bodily and mental powers. Such misuse is the root cause of many a disease.
Brahmicharya is to be observed in thought, word and deed. This applies to all observances. We are told in the Gita and our experience corroborates the remark, that the foolish man,who appears to control his
body,but is nursing evil thoughts in his mind,makes a vain effort. It is harmful to suppress the body if the mind is at the same time allowed to go astray. Where the mind wanders,the body must follow sooner or later. It is
necessary at this stage to appreciate one distinction. It is one thing to allow the mind to harbour impure thoughts. It is a different thing altogether if it strays among them in spite of ourselves. Victory' will be ours in the end, if we non-co-operate with the mind in this evil process.If we give way to the mind, the body and the mind will pull different ways, and we shall be false to ourselves. Body and mind may be said to go together,so long; as we continue to resist the approach of every evil thought.
RESTRAINT never ruins one's health. What ruins one's health is not restraint but outward suppression.The very first step in self-restraint is the restraint of thoughts.

Brahmicharya is to be observed in thought, word and deed. This applies to all observances. We are told in the Gita and our experience corroborates the remark, that the foolish man,who appears to control his
body,but is nursing evil thoughts in his mind,makes a vain effort. It is harmful to suppress the body if the mind is at the same time allowed to go astray. Where the mind wanders,the body must follow sooner or later. It is
necessary at this stage to appreciate one distinction. It is one thing to allow the mind to harbour impure thoughts. It is a different thing altogether if it strays among them in spite of ourselves. Victory' will be ours in the end, if we non-co-operate with the mind in this evil process.If we give way to the mind, the body and the mind will pull different ways, and we shall be false to ourselves. Body and mind may be said to go together,so long; as we continue to resist the approach of every evil thought.
Brakmacharya is the control of all the organs of sense. He who attempts to control only one organ,and
allows all the others free play, is bound to find his effort futile. To hear suggestive stories with the ears,to see suggestive sights with the eyes,to taste stimulating food with the tongue,to touch exciting things with the hands, and then at the same time to try to control the only remaining organ is like putting one's hands in a fire,and then trying to escape burns.He, therefore,who is resolved to control the one must be likewise determined to control the rest.
allows all the others free play, is bound to find his effort futile. To hear suggestive stories with the ears,to see suggestive sights with the eyes,to taste stimulating food with the tongue,to touch exciting things with the hands, and then at the same time to try to control the only remaining organ is like putting one's hands in a fire,and then trying to escape burns.He, therefore,who is resolved to control the one must be likewise determined to control the rest.
RESTRAINT never ruins one's health. What ruins one's health is not restraint but outward suppression.The very first step in self-restraint is the restraint of thoughts.
A warrior loves to die, not on a sick-bed,
but on the battle-field
but on the battle-field
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