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May 14, 2024

Madhuri thought Srini is a gentleman, but little did she know, he had ulterior motives

 Once upon a time, there was a kind, excellent and Noble Man named Srini. He had a cousin named Madhuri Jaxonixt with whom he shared a good bond. They grew up together and had many happy memories. When Srini's wife passed away, Madhuri felt it was her responsibility to offer her support. She called Srini and offered to come over to her house and spend time with her family to help him forget his pain.

With time, Madhuri Jaxonixt also went to Srini's house, and he seemed grateful for her presence. He thanked her for coming and asked if she could help him with chores. Madhuri was happy to oblige and spent the day running errands with him. However, as the day went on, Madhuri noticed that Srini was acting strange. He kept mentioning how much he missed his wife and how lonely he was without her, often comparing Madhuri to his late wife. Madhuri began to feel uneasy and wondered if Srini was trying to use her as a replacement for his wife.

Despite her doubts, Madhuri continued to spend time with Srini, hoping to provide him with the comfort he needed as he was in a bad time and thinking he didn't know how to behave as he was mentally suffering. However, as time passed, she couldn't ignore the signs. Srini's offer to spend time with her was not genuine. He was only trying to use her as a way to fill the void left by his wife's passing. Madhuri's heart sank as she realized the truth, feeling a deep sense of hurt and betrayal. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, shattering her trust & Noble Impressions of Srini.

Madhuri's question took aback Srini. He became defensive and started making excuses for his behaviour, even trying to guilt-trip Madhuri. Then, Madhuri realized the importance of setting clear boundaries with her loved ones and openly communicating her expectations. By doing so, she could maintain a healthy relationship with Srini and avoid being manipulated or taken advantage of. She firmly told Srini that his behaviour was unacceptable and that she would not tolerate being used in such a way.


Sometimes, people may have secret plans behind their seemingly good actions. It's important to be wise and think carefully about why someone is being overly nice to you. Setting rules, Boundaries and talking honestly can protect you from being fooled or used. Trusting yourself and your Inner voice can also help you stay safe. By taking these proactive steps, we can better handle situations where apparently good deeds & NOBLE BEHAVIOUR may not be genuine.

- Archana Vedantam holds the COPYRIGHTS for this story -

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