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May 13, 2024

Have you ever felt like your inner demons were coming out to play? scaredy CAT ???

Have you ever felt like your inner demons were coming out to play? It's a scary feeling, isn't it?

 When desperation takes over, it can reveal itself in the most unexpected and often regrettable ways. The saying 'desperate times call for desperate measures' holds true, but the measures taken in such times can lead to irreversible consequences. The depths to which someone can sink in their desperation are truly unpredictable.

Desperation can drive people to extraordinary lengths in the pursuit of survival. However, we are rational humans, so fear and uncertainty should not dictate our actions. It's crucial to maintain a sense of CALM & composure, even in the most dire of circumstances, to retain control and resilience.

Did you know that people who hate each other can actually love each other because of desperate needs? It's true.

Desperate individuals are often perceived as dangerous due to their potential for unpredictable & extreme behaviour. It's as if they are being influenced by their 'shadow selves'- the suppressed or hidden aspects of their personality that can surface in harmful ways when pushed to their limits.

Desperation can cause intense anxiety and aggression. When you have big worries or problems inside that you haven't figured out, it can make you feel really scared and mad. This can make you feel like things don't make sense and make you very sad. Sometimes, when you feel this way, you might do things that are not good. You might try to protect yourself by acting mean or aggressive to stop feeling so bad.

When someone is feeling really upset and scared, they might start doing things that they learned are a way to feel better, even if those things are bad for him/her.. It's like their mind is trying to protect them, but it can end up causing more harm than good.

So, when desperation comes knocking, remember to stay calm and THINK  - Logically. Don't let fear and uncertainty cloud your judgment. 

 Above all, practice kindness toward yourself and others, even in the most desperate situations. Empathy can be a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.


1) Desperation may arise when an individual is disconnected from their inner self and unconscious motivations. It happens when you forget to listen to your feelings and what makes you who you are. However, by self-reflection and understanding, you can regain control and start feeling better and more like yourself again. It's like putting puzzles of yourself together and feeling whole and happy, empowering yourself 

 2) It could stem from unresolved unconscious conflicts and repressed emotions. When you feel desperate, it might be because you have some feelings inside that you haven't talked about or dealt with. However, by addressing & accepting these feelings, you can start to feel relief and not so desperate anymore. It's like having a big pile of things filled in your room irritatingly that you need to clean up, but once you start, the relief is immense.  

3) It can happen when you feel like you're not being true to yourself and who you want to be. By reaching out to someone who listens and exploring what makes you happy, you can figure out how to be more like your true self. It's like matching your inside feelings with how you act on the outside. Desperation may indicate a lack of harmony between one's actual and ideal selves. Still, you can bridge this gap with the proper support 

 4) When you feel really desperate, it might be because you have some deep-seated worries or fears that make you scared or unsure. By talking about these feelings and trying to understand them better, you can feel less desperate and more confident in who you are. It's like shining a light on your fears and realizing you are strong enough to overcome them. 

 5) When you feel desperate, it might be because you have learned to feel that way because of people & events around you. You can learn how to stop feeling hopeless. It's like learning new ways to stay calm and assertive when things get tough. Desperation is a learned behaviour resulting from negative reinforcement or environmental triggers. 

 6) Desperation often arises from childhood wounds and emotional neglect. It could be because you had some sad or tough times when you were younger that hurt your feelings. By talking about these times with someone who can help, you can feel better and happy again. It's like fixing hurts so you can be strong.  

7) Irrational beliefs and negative self-talk may fuel desperation. When you feel desperate, it might be because you have thoughts that are not true and make you feel bad about yourself. You can start feeling better by talking to someone who can help you and change these thoughts into happy thoughts. It's like turning sad thoughts into happy thoughts so you can feel strong again.  

8) Desperation may be a response to environmental stimuli and reinforcement schedules. When you feel desperate, it might be because the things around you make you feel that way. By changing the things around you and focusing on doing good things, you can feel less desperate and more happy. It's like making happy things happen so you can feel better and stronger. 

 9) Desperation may stem from childhood experiences. You can bring back hope and contentment by discussing these experiences and understanding them better through Reflection and introspection.  

10) Uncertainty about identity and purpose can lead to feelings of desperation. Discovering our passions and our strengths can reduce desperation and boost confidence. 

 11) Desperation may arise from unmet basic needs and a desire for personal growth. Fulfilling higher-level needs can contribute to overall well-being.  

12) Insecure attachments and disrupted early relationships can lead to desperation. Spending time with supportive people can alleviate feelings of hopelessness.

  13) Negative thought patterns and unresolved conflicts can contribute to desperation. Changing thought patterns & Keeping your self busy at work & learning new things can make you happy

 14) Distorted memories and false beliefs may lead to desperation. Reevaluating memories and reshaping your narrative can reduce feelings of hopelessness.

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