You will Never have many problems in life with things you reject blatantly but you ought to be careful with truths You AGREE as those CHOICES will dictate your Life

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Jul 26, 2024



When stressed, remember that you have the power to Self- Control.

1) Try the simple technique of deep breathing. It's as easy as taking a deep breath in, holding for a few seconds, and releasing with a long exhale. This type of breath can activate your body's relaxation response, reduce tension, and promote a sense of calmness and well-being.

2) Try aromatherapy with lavender essential oil. Inhaling the soothing scent of lavender can help promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and improve overall emotional well-being. Consider using a diffuser or adding a few drops to a warm bath for a calming effect.

3) Bath with Epsom salt also helps

Feeling Anxious?

1) Lace-up your shoes and take a walk. Physical exercise, such as walking, can help deactivate the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for processing emotions like fear and anxiety. It's not just a walk, it's a step towards calmness. As you walk,

2) focus on your surroundings, engage your senses, and practice mindfulness to calm your mind and reduce anxious thoughts. Regular walks not only improve your physical health but also provide a natural and accessible way to alleviate anxiety and promote emotional well-being.

Feeling Sad?

It's normal for any Human to feel that way.

1) Acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to feel them. But don't let them weigh you down.

2)Engage in physical activity to release endorphins, your body's natural feel-good hormones. It's not just an activity, it's a mood booster. Dancing, jogging, or yoga can help lift your spirits, reduce feelings of sadness, and increase feelings of well-being. By moving your body, you can promote a sense of positivity, energy, and emotional resilience, leading to a more balanced emotional state.

Impulsive or Angry ?

1) Take a moment to step back and look outside. This simple action can bring a sense of calm and clarity, helping you to regain control. Anger and impulsivity trigger the release of stress hormones, which can cloud our judgment and hamper our ability to manage our emotions effectively.

2) By intentionally shifting your attention to the world outside or nature or different place, you can create a much-needed physical and mental pause. This shift interrupts the pattern of escalating anger, overriding the automatic response controlled by our emotional brain. Looking outside can provide a visual cue that prompts the brain's rational thinking centre to kick in, allowing you to approach the situation more composedly.

3) By creating this moment of pause and clarity through external focus, you give yourself the chance to reevaluate the situation, consider your options, and respond thoughtfully. This practice can help you gain mastery over your emotions, curb impulsive reactions, and make well-thought-out decisions even in the most challenging circumstances.

Low Motivation?

Tummo breathing, Fire breathing, or a Cold plunge activate the sympathetic nervous system to increase energy levels:

1. Breathing techniques like Tummo or Fire breathing can increase energy levels by boosting oxygen intake and circulation, activating the sympathetic nervous system.

2. This activation releases adrenaline and other stress hormones, enhancing physical and mental alertness, boosting energy levels, and improving motivation.

3. Immersing yourself in a cold plunge or taking a cold shower can also activate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increased blood circulation, heightened alertness, and a sense of invigoration.

4. These practices help boost motivation levels, improve mood, and enhance overall cognitive function

5. Incorporating these techniques into your routine can elevate energy levels, enhance mental focus, and overcome feelings of low motivation. Remember to approach these techniques mindfully and gradually increase cold exposure for safety and maximum benefits.

Insecure ?

1 ) Write down your strengths & positive qualities; this engages logical thinking, which overrides the limbic system.

2) Have Acceptance

3) Affirm your value

4) keep company of kind people

Feeling Lonely?

1) Reach out to a trusted friend or family member for a heart-to-heart conversation. Building connections and sharing your feelings with someone you trust can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of loneliness, and enhance your sense of belonging.

2) Turn Loneliness into solitude with creative works.

Frustrated ?

Practice gratitude journaling by writing down three things you are grateful for each day. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can shift your focus away from frustration, increase positive emotions, and improve your overall outlook on challenging situations.


Overwhelmed ?

1) Practice box breathing technique, inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and pausing for 4 seconds.

2)write it down

3)Name your feelings & take support of people

Labelling is a technique that involves identifying thoughts or emotions as mere mental events. For instance, instead of saying

, "I am angry," one can say,

"I notice that I am having angry thoughts now."

This creates a sense of distance from the thoughts and emotions.

Instead of saying,

"I am hurt," you can say,

"I notice that I am experiencing a feeling of hurt."

Using this labelling technique, one can observe the feeling without becoming overwhelmed or consumed by it.

Labelling the emotion as a mental event instead of directly identifying with it helps remind you that hurt is a passing sensation and does not define your entire being. It enables you to acknowledge and validate the hurt you are experiencing but also opens up the possibility for more objectivity and understanding.

With regular practice, you can develop greater emotional awareness, reduce reactivity, and gain a more balanced perspective on your emotional experiences.

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