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Jun 26, 2024

Everything you see happening is the result of you radiating/ ENERGY .....U are GIVING out

 Dr. David R. Hawkins's quote emphasizes the profound impact of our internal energy and vibrations on our external reality. For instance, if we constantly think negatively about our abilities, we may find it difficult to succeed in our endeavours. On the other hand, if we maintain a positive mindset, we are more likely to attract positive outcomes. Our thoughts, emotions, and intentions shape our events and experiences. We can manifest a more rewarding existence by elevating our energy levels through positive thoughts, emotions, and actions. Understanding and harnessing the transformative energy within us is a MUST for personal growth and transformation.

Example : 

Imagine your energy as a radiant, golden paintbrush that effortlessly glides across the canvas of your life. With each joyful, vibrant emotion and purposeful action, such as acts of love and expressions of gratitude, you are adding vibrant, swirling strokes of colour to your masterpiece. Every brushstroke emanates a warm, soothing glow, filling the air with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of gentle, harmonious melodies. As you focus on uplifting your energy and painting with joy, love, and gratitude, the canvas begins to glow and come alive with a blast of dazzling colours. 

The rich, velvety texture of the paint and the play of light & shadow create a mesmerizing spectacle, evoking a sense of wonder and awe. 

Your masterpiece is not just a work of art; it's a living, breathing tapestry that immerses you in a world brimming with harmony, abundance, and boundless possibility.

"Visualize and imagine : 

Everything is energy, and the energies are interdependent and responsible for each other in some way."

Energy is a universal force that encompasses all living beings and the interconnectedness of the universe.

The law of conservation of energy states that the total Energy of an isolated system remains constant over time. This means that Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it only transforms from one form to another.

Imagine the possibilities:

 Energy, a powerful universal force, is not just something we experience but something we can actively shape. Our thoughts, intentions, and emotions generate energy vibrations that can influence our personal reality and the world around us. Understanding and acknowledging this can empower us to enhance personal growth and well-being and connect to the universe profoundly. By harnessing this Energy, we can ignite a spark of positive change that can transform not just our own lives but the lives of others as well.

Tap into the boundless energy that binds us ALL together. Rise above barriers and welcome interconnectedness. Look past categories and separations, Labels & discard biases and preconceptions.

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