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Jun 25, 2024

When facing abuse from another person, is it possible to have attitude of gratitude ?

Is it possible to find gratitude for the most challenging experiences life has thrown us?

Recognizing and embracing gratitude during challenging times is MOST important as it can foster significant personal development, resilience, and insight. It can serve as a source of hope, allowing us to gain wisdom, empathize with others sufferings, and acknowledge the positivity and support that frequently arise from difficult circumstances.

When facing abuse from another person, is it reasonable to be grateful? Is it possible to have an attitude of gratitude?

When dealing with abuse from another person, it's important to prioritize your safety and well-being above all else. While practising gratitude is generally beneficial, but in cases of abuse, it's crucial to seek support and prioritize your own healing & well-being. 

Remember, it's okay to not feel grateful in such situations. Ensuring that you are protected and valued should take precedence over any feelings of gratitude. Seeking help and finding support from trusted individuals or organizations is an essential step towards addressing and healing from any form of abuse. So, remember, it's not about gratitude; it's about your safety which is MORE PRIORITY. Seek help, find support, and prioritize your own mental health above all else.

Relationships are healthy only when there is TRUST, RESPECT, INTEGRITY, LOVE & EMPATHY [ TRILE ]

 Remember: Always prioritize your mental well-being. Emotional abuse can take many forms such as manipulation, isolation, constant criticism, and control. Recognize and address these behaviors. Reclaim your self-worth through the instrumental role of self-care practices, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help if needed. Prioritizing your mental well-being is essential for building healthy relationships with yourself and others.

If you ever have to choose between a relationship and your mental well-being, 
I hope you always Choose Yourself.

Can we find gratitude for illnesses that confine us to our beds?

Imagine a serene garden with vibrant flowers and a resilient tree at its heart, which is you. Encircling the tree are gentle streams, a symbol of self-care, and mirrors that foster an appreciation for good health. Small saplings represent personal growth, while the individuals tending to the garden symbolize the crucial role of empathy and support in our journey towards gratitude for illness. They enlighten us with their resilience and strength, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.

This vision of the serene garden, with its vibrant flowers and a resilient tree that laughs at storms, & the FLEXIBLE, gentle soft streams symbolizes the journey towards gratitude for illness. The garden represents self-care, appreciation for good health, personal growth, empathy and support for those facing health challenges. Just as the tree thrives despite obstacles, finding gratitude for our illnesses can lead us to resilience, strength, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It is a testament to our capacity for personal growth and resilience, even in the face of adversity. Be BRAVE and ACCEPT what you cannot CHANGE.

Have you ever noticed how your brain simplifies visual information to make sense of the world around you? 

The Gestalt theory explains that our brains naturally see patterns and wholes instead of individual parts. 

This means that we actively create connections between elements to understand what we see. But here's the interesting part - our perception can also change when our behaviour changes. Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours can all influence how we perceive the world around us. So, changing how we behave can lead to shifts in how we interpret the information we receive, ultimately affecting our overall perception of our environment. This understanding is crucial as it shapes our entire understanding of the world.

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