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Jun 24, 2024

Gratitude ATTITUDE during the DEATH of a loved one

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to remain grateful even in life's darkest moments, such as losing a loved one or a significant personal setback?

Loss is a part of life. Nothing is permanent, and we must accept and move on from it. Birth and death are two ends of the life cycle, and understanding this can help us cope with any loss.

ANY Failure or loss is just a part of life, not the end. Recognize and challenge negative thoughts. Viewing situations from different perspectives can free the mind from rigid thinking patterns like wanting to control what you cannot

In complex and trying circumstances, it's important to maintain a sense of gratitude, not only as a way to express appreciation but also as a reflection of a deep spirituality. In tough times, it's more important to be grateful. It's about finding strength and resilience in gratitude. This means being happy for the good things and feeling thankful. Gratitude helps us to see the positive side of things, even when life is hard. It's like having a treasure chest full of good thoughts that can make you feel better and give you the energy to be more & do more.

This involves actively cultivating a mindset of detachment and seeing everything through the lens of pure energy rather than getting caught up in divisive labels such as male or female gender or the volatile nature of emotions like love, hate, or anger, by recognizing that everything is fundamentally energy, a profound appreciation can be cultivated for even the smallest positive aspects of life.

Our minds Love to keep things simple. By focusing on the good stuff, we can see all the happy and nice things around us. This way, we are in control of how we feel.

When we confront the loss of a loved one, it becomes important to redirect our attention towards gratitude. We can find solace in the time we shared with them and their positive impact on our lives.

Imagine yourself in a vibrant garden, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Each flower represents a cherished memory shared with your loved one. As you walk through this garden, you feel the warmth of gratitude filling your heart for the beautiful times spent together and the joy they brought into your life. This is the power of gratitude, a force that can transform even the darkest moments into a garden of cherished memories. 

Now, imagine a pathway stretching out in front of you, leading to a series of closed doors, each representing a missed opportunity for connection and accompanied by feelings of pain. Take a moment to imagine yourself opening each door in your mind. As you do, intentionally allow a wave of gratitude to wash over you, acknowledging the potential for things to have turned out much more worse & feeling thankful that they didn't.

Immerse yourself in the image of a vast blue sky, a sight that you might have seen on a peaceful day, decorated with fluffy, cotton candy-like clouds gracefully parting to reveal a radiant beam of sunlight. The golden rays from the sun pierce through the grey veil, casting a warm, ethereal glow on everything it touches. Take a moment to be thankful for the air you breathe and for being alive & having your role or purpose to serve on this earth. Let this mesmerizing vision serve as a poignant reminder that within the darkness of loss exist glimmers of hope and unforeseen moments of delight. Embrace this radiant light as it fills your heart and gently bathes your heart with gratitude, unveiling a newfound appreciation for the intricacies and splendours of life. This can give you some serenity & solace.

Remember to take breaks in your routine. It's a sign of self-care and resilience, not weakness. 

You deserve moments of peace and rejuvenation too.

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