You will Never have many problems in life with things you reject blatantly but you ought to be careful with truths You AGREE as those CHOICES will dictate your Life

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Jun 24, 2024

How to solve a problem: step 1, panic. Step 2, EAT chips. Step 3) Read my article below

What do you want to happen in your life? & 

What do you need to do to make it happen?

THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IS being unable to foresee events and how to handle them.

1) Visualize a mighty toolbox filled with your past skills - each one a shining tool to tackle the problem at hand, waiting for you to pick it up and wield it with precision. Remember, the key to unlocking this power lies in self-reflection.

2) Picture yourself on a shaky bridge over a deep chasm of anxiety. But within you, there are unique abilities and strengths, like radiant lanterns guiding you to safety. This is your inner solace, demonstrating how to handle problems with creativity & Flexibility.

3) Picture yourself as a wise mentor guiding your Friend through a dense forest of challenges, offering them the same counsel you need right now. Your guidance illuminates the path to clarity and solutions.

4) What areas need attention to solve this problem? Visualize a puzzle with missing pieces, each area needing your attention represented by a piece waiting to be placed, completing the picture of the problem solved.

5) Think about the areas of your life where you feel safe and in control. Why do you feel this way in those areas?

6) What have you done in the past to solve this issue? Recall past battles fought against similar issues, each victory a proud banner waving in the winds of progress and problem-solving.

7)What do you do when you get stressed or worried? Imagine yourself as a sailor navigating stormy seas of stress and worry. Ground yourself and breathe easily. Adjust the sails of your mind to weather the storm and sail towards calmer waters.

8)Write down the issue step by step and consider what strategies have worked for you in the past to solve it, at least temporarily. Imagine your problem as a winding path through a dense forest, with each past strategy acting as a trail marker leading you closer to the heart of the issue and possible solutions.

9) What is making these strategies less effective right now??? Picture obstacles blocking the effectiveness of your strategy, like boulders in a river disrupting the flow of progress, urging you to find new paths around them. BBC - bend a little, break through the problem or find a creative solution or escape that shit.

10) You have always been guided by your experiences, navigating through challenges and celebrating triumphs. But now, stand firm as you face a problem unlike any other. Feel the ground shake beneath you as you confront this unique challenge, drawing on your wisdom to navigate uncharted territory and discover untapped depths of your capabilities. Embrace this distinctive problem as an opportunity to grow and master, gaining new insights and resilience as you forge ahead.

11) Imagine yourself in the middle of a vast ocean, the salty breeze softly brushing your skin as you stand on the shore. Suddenly, a tidal wave of emotions comes rushing towards you, its powerful force threatening to engulf you. The crashing waves of anxiety and fear resound in your ears, drowning out the rational whispers of your mind. But remember, these emotions are transient waves, turbulent yet temporary. Embrace them like gusts of wind, acknowledging their presence but NOT allowing them to define your inner landscape. Let the waves wash over you, knowing that a calm and resilient core lies beneath the surface, poised to emerge, untouched by the storm. These emotions will pass. BE RATIONAL!

12) Is this problem changeable? 

Does it have a solution that you can find?

Imagine a colourful butterfly emerging from a cocoon. This butterfly represents change beautifully. It's like the unique problem you're facing is transforming into something new, and it's full of endless possibilities. Just like how a butterfly spreads its wings and flies, your problem can evolve into something amazing for you in the long run.

13) Consider an array of options to address this issue! Imagine a table filled with a variety of tools and solutions, each offering a distinct approach to solving the problem. It's like a treasure trove of alternatives waiting for you to pick the perfect one.

14) It's important to consider alternative plans in case our initial plans don't work out. Think of these backup plans as branches of a tree - Plan A, B, C, and D. Having multiple options ensures that you have a safety net in place, ready to catch you if your original plan fails.

15) Imagine a scale, like the ones used to weigh things, with all the good and bad points of each choice on one side, carefully balancing out the options in front of you. It's like you're a wise judge, carefully deciding what to do about your problem. This is all about believing in yourself and your skill to think about different choices and make smart decisions.

16) Thoroughly evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each decision. Visualize a ledger for every choice, outlining its possible gains and losses, to guide you in making the PERFECT decision for your unique problematic situation.

17) Imagine a crystal ball that shows what might happen if you do something or if you do nothing. Every Doing & Every NOT doing has Consequences. It's like seeing different paths stretching out in front of you, each one holding its own set of results just waiting to be known.

18) Now, what do you feel is the most effective solution? Feel a beam of light shining on the most effective solution, illuminating it like a beacon of hope in the darkness of uncertainty.

19) Have you ever wondered if there's a touch of fantasy or irrationality in any of our thoughts? Picture a mesmerizing cloud of fantasy and irrationality gently dispersing, unveiling a clear, vast sky of practicality and logic, just waiting to lead you towards a realistic and attainable solution

20) Imagine a blueprint of a practical solution developing before your eyes, with each step measured and calculated like a construction plan. The process is akin to turning visions into tangible actions, with each detail accounted for CLEARLY, from the initial concept to the final implementation.

21) Consider the long-term impact of your choices. Approach decisions with logic, not emotions. Envision yourself as a wise judge carefully evaluating the future repercussions of your actions, driven by reason rather than feelings, and paving the way for sound and thoughtful decision-making.

22) Remember to adopt the role of the devil's advocate, embodying the perspective of opposition and actively questioning the established norms and beliefs with a sharp focus on critical thinking. By doing so, you can effectively dismantle misconceptions & uncover underlying truths.

23) Note each step of progress like landmarks on a map, guiding you through the labyrinth of problem-solving towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

24) Proactively seeking insights and engaging in self-introspection allows us to see a mirror reflecting our inner wisdom and guiding us towards self-improvement.

25) Are you prepared to prevent future crises? Picture a shield of prevention erected against future crises, with each plan and strategy acting as a defensive barrier protecting against unforeseen dangers and guaranteeing a course of stability and security.


You instantly start behaving differently & see what happens. 

Imagine our emotions as vibrant balloons, each representing a different feeling, drifting in the clear blue sky. When fear surfaces, it's as if our thoughts are weak, unable to secure the balloon, causing it to burst. Similarly, anger erupts like a balloon bursting as we come to terms with the imperfection of our ideas. In contrast, when we experience joy and contentment, all our balloons are gracefully ascending, reflecting the harmonious relationship between our thoughts, which are aligned with the positive aspects of the world around us.

Now, here's a wonderful way to handle these emotions. Instead of trying to change our thoughts to feel better directly, we can swap out our balloons for new ones by going out and experiencing different things. If we aim for a happier state, we can try doing new stuff or seeing new places to change how we think and feel. It's like having a thrilling adventure to fill our sky with a burst of bright, new balloons, bringing a fresh perspective and a positive outlook to our lives!


Although suffering is a natural part of the human experience, we have the resilience and strength to confront it, address its challenges, and ultimately overcome it, allowing us to continue moving forward in life.

Picture a mighty oak tree, standing tall and strong against the winds and storms. Its roots dig deep into the earth, providing stability and support. Despite the challenges it faces, the tree remains unwavering, reaching for the sky with its branches. Similarly, we as humans possess the inner strength and resilience to withstand life's trials and tribulations, emerging stronger and ever-reaching for new heights.

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