You will Never have many problems in life with things you reject blatantly but you ought to be careful with truths You AGREE as those CHOICES will dictate your Life

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Jun 1, 2024

Love experimenting with My house AC until " it Turns On "

A = Attitude and C= Creativity 

Conscience = the intuitive capacity of the human person to discover the meaning of a situation

👉Victor Frankl, a renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, introduced the 'meaning triad' concept. This helps us understand the various types of values that can give our lives meaning. Frankl's personal experiences during the Holocaust lend a unique perspective to this concept, making it all the more compelling. 

1. Creative Value: This is the significance you derive from creating or contributing something meaningful to the world. It could be anything from artistic expression to scientific pursuits.

By engaging in these activities, you can find a sense of purpose that goes beyond personal satisfaction. 

2. Experiential Value: 

Experiential value is the meaning individuals find through their unique experiences, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. This includes moments of joy, love, beauty, connection, & instances of suffering, loss, and adversity.

 By embracing the full spectrum of human experiences & learning from life's challenges, individuals can cultivate wisdom, resilience, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

 3. Attitudinal Value:

When facing challenges, it's important to choose a positive attitude consciously.

When you find yourself in a tough situation, here are some practical strategies you can use: 

1. Start by realistically assessing what happened. 

2. Interpret the event constructively. 

3. Recognize your feelings and behaviors in response to the event. 

Strategies for dealing with adversity include:

A) Distract:

Shift your focus by snapping a rubber band or hitting the table. Write down pessimistic thoughts and postpone overthinking. Engage your senses of smell, touch, sight, taste, etc., to distract yourself. 

B) Distance:

  Recognize that beliefs are just beliefs. Explore alternative, optimistic perspectives and remove yourself from the situation by taking a walk, driving, or engaging in a favourite activity. 

C) Dispute: 

Challenge your beliefs with evidence and look for alternative, optimistic ways to view the situation.

D) Deflection :

A technique developed by Viktor , helps individuals shift their focus from self-absorption to finding definite meaning in their existence. 

The process involves ignoring self-centred thoughts and concerns, ignoring physical or emotional symptoms, and reflecting on definite aspects of life that bring fulfilment and purpose. By doing so, individuals can cultivate a sense of connection to something larger than themselves and explore existential questions related to their identity, values, relationships, and life goals.

"Things may look different depending on your perspective. It's important to consider different viewpoints and NOT jump to conclusions."

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